Student Wellbeing
The pressure of studying for your Sixth Form courses can sometimes reach levels where you feel that the stress and anxiety become unmanageable. People experience the physical and mental effects of stressful situations when they feel that they cannot cope with demands that are being placed on them. Sixth Form courses are very demanding and at times even the most hard-working student can feel that their course is placing too much of a burden on them.
If you feel that the pressure of Sixth Form study is affecting you in any way, please do not hesitate to come and have a chat. There is a wide range of support that we can offer from within the Sixth Form team and we also have contacts with various external support agencies who can offer help and guidance.
Perhaps the most important advice is to be organised, to manage your time effectively, and to ask for help as soon as you need it.
People you can ask for support:
- Your form tutor
- Mr Robertson
- Mr Simpson
- Mrs Alder
- Mrs Walton
- Your subject teachers
- Any member of staff
Websites with Information about Coping with Anxiety and Stress
The UK’s leading mental health charity. They provide advice and support for anyone suffering from a mental health problem
Anxiety UK
A charity with a main focus on helping people with anxiety and other related disorders. They work to relieve and support those living with anxiety.
Young Minds
A website based charity with a range of information and support for young people suffering with mental health problems
Referral Agencies Information
Emotional wellbeing and mental health service
Referrals from professionals, parents/carers and from young people directly
or call 0330 0581659
Counselling service
Self-referral or referral from a 3rd party i.e. GP, Teacher, Parent.
T 01733 373170 or E
CASUS – Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service
CASUS provide information, support and specialist treatment in Cambridgeshire, around drug and alcohol use, to young people under 18 and their families. Young people can get in touch with us by phone, email or text, or ask a parent / carer or other professional (e.g. their youth worker, teacher or social worker) to contact us.
T 01480 445316 E
School Nursing Service
Referrals accepted from the school or young people can access support through Chathealth 07480635443
CPFT NHS. This service is set up to help those aged 17 and over who are suffering from mild to moderate depression and anxiety disorders including generalised anxiety, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress, health anxiety, panic, phobia or obsessive compulsive disorder.
Self-refer on line or Call 0300 300 0055.
iCash Contraception and Sexual Health Service
0300 300 3030
Kooth online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform: Friendly online counsellors, self-help and community support.
Keep Your Head emotional and mental health
Information and resources. This site brings together good, reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children and young people, parents/carers, and professionals.
Learn to meditate and live mindfully. Download the Headspace app or sign up online to start meditating today.
Youthoria It’s all about YOUth
Website for 11–19 year olds in Cambridgeshire. Information on life, work, learning, job and apprenticeship vacancies and mental health.
Help and support for eating disorders
Youthline 0808 801 0711 Open daily 3pm – 10pm
Cameo is a service for people aged 14-65 years old who are experiencing symptoms of psychosis for the first time. You can refer yourself, your family/friends can refer you, you can ask your GP/any other supportive professional you see to refer you.
T 01733 353250 E
First Response Service
24-hour mental health crisis phone line. Call 111, option 2
As a post-16 student, you can join the National Union of Students Schools Extra. Membership provides many benefits including discounts for travel. Many shops and restaurants, particularly in Cambridge, offer discount rates for students and the NUS membership card can be used to prove that you are a student. Further details can be found on the NUS website: