Exam Board: AQA
Our vision, in Longsands Mathematics Department, is to nurture students who:
- are numerate, logical thinkers,
- demonstrate resilience and creativity when solving mathematical problems,
- communicate mathematically, both individually and in teams, through discussion and writing,
- achieve mathematically as confident, aspirational and independent learners.
Knowledge Organisers and Knowledge Retrievers have been purchased for students. If you have any queries, please contact your child/ren’s maths teacher.
Sparx Maths
The following links contain topic indexes along with useful references to the relevant Sparx Maths clips.
Please follow this link for Year 7
Please follow this link for Year 8
Please follow this link for Year 9
Please follow this link for Year 10 Topic Index F; Topic Index H
Please follow these links for year 11: Topic Index F; Topic Index H
Recommended resources:
Students can find comprehensive help for the entire Maths curriculum, including video tutorials and interactive questions, at the following websites.
Sparx Maths
Top Tips for Parents/Carers
Mathswatch www.vle.mathswatch.co.uk
Username: (five digit ICT login code)@longsands
Password : longsands
Any queries accessing any aspect of mathematics in any year, please contact Mrs Philpott, Head of Maths): Julia.Philpott@astrea-longsands.org
Page managed by Head of Maths