School Alerts

Sport BTEC


Sport BTEC (Single or Double)  

Exam Board:


Subject Specific Entry Requirements:  

None specified


Why Study Sport?  

Which sports person is more likely to be successful in their field, an athlete from the 1950s or from the current age? For example, if Pele was to play Football in the modern era would he be as successful?  

Have factors in the game itself changed so dramatically that the ‘level’ of World Class sports performers has change? Who is the best sports coach in the world? What coaching skills and abilities make this leader stand out in their sporting successes? How can we measure the impact coaches have on their teams/players? What is it they do that makes them successful? How do we acquire skills in sport? How can you learn skills in Sports faster? What is the optimum age for acquiring skills in sports? 

Sport Enrichment and Super-Curricular  

The PE Department organises university Sports Science lab visits. They also work with local sporting businesses and invite guest speakers. 

Recent Destinations from Longsands Students 

University of Hertfordshire, Sports Therapy or University of Bedfordshire, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation 


Sport Curriculum

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